Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Felipe Solisce. Haute Couture. Spring – Summer. 2016.

Downtown Abbey meets The Countess (Lady Gaga).

Severe, clean silhouettes, dropped waist, suicide girls, a glimpse of the past in a modern approach.

Soundtrack: I initially thought of Chop Suey by System of a Down mixed with orchestra... but I couldn't find something like what I wanted to hear, so instead I would have used this one.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014



One of a kind dress, for one of a kind lady.

My very first dress, worn and made exclusively for my longtime best friend, Wendy Santoyo.

When she first asked me for this dress, I did just one sketch, and that was it, I never realised how much codes did I actually put in it until it was finished. The front bow is both, very structured and has a deep sense of romanticism, the pattern for the bow was done at least 4 times before I had it right, since it’s not stitched to the top, it’s part of the same fabric as the top.

It was an honour for me having my best friend as my first model and my first client, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Felipe Solisce. Haute Couture. Spring – Summer. 2014.

For this season I was very inspired in Birds of Paradise, and I built up a history were the Angels up in the heaven are the birds of paradise, and when they come down they transform into actual birds.
Almost every single piece has feathers (shoulders, hems, full panels, etc). For the second time I tried to do “young” looks, with some splash of vibrant colours, and hems a bit more higher than last season, the feathers have always a very playful feeling so I think they really help it.
Para esta colección estuve muy inspirado en Aves del Paraiso, e hice una historia en donde los Angeles del cielo son llamados “aves del paraíso” y cuando bajan a la tierra se transforman en estas magnificas aves.
Casi todos los looks tiene plumas (en hombros, bastillas, paneles completos, etc) Por segunda vez intente hacer lineas mas “jóvenes”, con algunos splash de colores vibrantes y bastillas un poco mas altas que la temporada pasada, las plumas siempre dan un sentimiento muy juguetón y creo que eso de verdad me ayudo.